HI Protocol: Our Approach

Follow the WHN Diet designed by experts and women to help stabilize blood sugar, satisfy your cravings, and help you look and feel your best. And we will help you every step of the away with meal plans, recipes, and support/motivation that you need. Click here to get started.
Key Supplements:
Our high-quality supplements help restore your hormone balance naturally leading to quick and lasting symptom relief. Our recommendations are based on the severity of your symptoms:

1. If your symptoms are mild, start with Herbal Equilibrium our best selling multi-phytotherapeutic designed to restore Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone balance. When your hormones are balanced you feel great. Herbal Equilibrium helps you find that balance.
2. If your symptoms are moderate to severe, add Essential Nutrients and Omega-3 to your Herbal Equilibrium to make sure you have all the basic nutrients you need to make and support your hormones. Vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids provide the building blocks for healthy hormone production.
3. If you need additional support, we have products to support your bones, transition from HRT, thyroid, blood sugar balance, and reducing your stress and fatigue. Our online quizzes can help find the protocol that bests for you. Take the quiz now.

When your digestion is weak, your body does not have access to all the nutrition you need to balance your hormones. The WHN Diet can help you navigate the process of discovering food sensitivities. And our Super Biotic can get your digestion reset.
You must move your body to feel great. And good news: there are dozens and dozens of ways to get started from walking to gardening to dancing. Find ways to move that support you enjoy, and start slowly. The most important thing: move your body every day.

Stress Management:
Most of us experience stress EVERY day. Finding ways to reduce stress is key to reducing the symptoms of menopause. We think every woman should spend time reducing stress daily. Journaling, meditating, spending time in nature, laughing, doodling, listening to music. Find something you enjoy and spend 15-minutes each day doing it.
Like the WHN Diet helps you navigate a better approach to eating, the WHN Sleep Reset helps you get a better night’s sleep EVERY night. Sleep is the foundation of our body’s ability to heal and restore itself. So much happens when we sleep and we often do not recognize how poor-quality sleep can slow down that healing process. Click here to get started.

Personal Work:
Finding a happier, healthier life involves a deep understanding of yourself, your life, your work, and your relationships. Our best practice tips and suggestions will help you find the way. What do the women of WHN read, how do they play, and when do they take time to nurture their relationships? Sign up for our weekly email blast to discover more.

Getting Started:
Wondering where to start?
Here is our advice based in having helped tens of thousands of women find hormonal balance.
Step 1
Take a symptoms quiz
Take a symptoms quiz to set your baseline and to understand how hormonal imbalance is impacting your health.
You can use this assessment to track your progress over time.
Step 2
Support your body
Provide your body with the frontline support that it needs by starting key supplement.
Herbal Equilibrium is the key to finding hormonal balance. Essential Nutrients gives you the basic nutrition you need to keep your hormones balanced. Supplement like these help you starting to feel better quickly, giving you time to make additional dietary and lifestyle changes.
Step 3
Simple diet changes
Pick a simple diet change to make this week.
We recommend choosing a recipe that appeals to you from the WHN Diet meal plan. When it comes to changing your diet and food choices, small steps that you enjoy make a big difference.
Step 4
Move your body
Move your body, at least fifteen minutes a day.
You can walk, dance, garden, do yoga or Zumba. All you need to do is commit to movement. And as you start to look and feel great, move more.
Step 5
We are here for you!
Give us a call or drop us an email.
Our health advisors are available to help you make our protocol work best for you, so you can balance your hormones and feel great.

Questions or concerns?
Call us at 1-800-448-4919
We’re here to listen and help.
You’ll talk to an experienced advisor right here in Maine. Your call is free.